In this case please make sure that all paths to your game libraries are listed in the search paths option (you find this in "Settings" tab -> "Application Setting" tab -> "Detecting installed Games") When this happens 3D Fix Manager tries to find the game via search paths but this might fail as well when no according search paths have been added to the application.

Easily create new profiles for games not supported by 3D Fix Manager yet. Highly customizable - fine tune a lot of settings for each game profile.Simple activation of Compatibility Mode (also known as fake / depth buffer 3D) for any DirectX 11 game.Additionally all settings can be backuped and restored. No need to use Nvidia Control Panel any more - all stereo 3D related settings are directly integrated into 3D Fix Manager.Up to 3 display profiles provided - optimize settings for your display devices and load them easily by selecting the respective profile.Options for individually editing the global Nvidia driver profile for both 2D and stereo 3D mode.Nvidia driver profiles are automatically installed and optimized for stereo 3D.Graphics settings of games are automatically optimized for playing in stereo 3D.For 2D mode 3D fixes are automatically disabled as not needed then. Launch games directly with 3D Fix Manager either in 2D or stereo 3D mode.Configs are automatically backuped and restored when reinstalling 3D fixes. Adjust 3D hotkeys for changing 3D depth and convergence and much more. Installed 3D fixes are automatically kept up to date.Download, install and uninstall 3D Vision fixes with only 1 click.Detection of installed 3D Vision games (Steam, Uplay, Origin, GOG and many more supported).Auto restores 3D Vision compatibility with Win 10 > 1809 and Geforce drivers beyond 425.31.

Clear GUI with multi-language support (Englisch, French, German, Portuguese).So which features does 3D Fix Manager provide?